【Recipe】How to Make Authentic Rich Miso Ramen【Sapporo Miso Ramen】

Hi! I’m Komugi!

I’m enjoying making Ramen at home!

The other day, I went Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost prefecture, and I had Sapporo Miso Ramen there. It was awesome! So this time, I’ll tell you how to make authentic rich Miso Ramen. As there are various kinds of Miso Ramen in Japan, what I want to make is Sapporo Miso Ramen or “Sapporo-ish” Miso Ramen because I’m not a local person in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Precisely speaking, what I’ll make is Sapporo Miso Ramen-inspired.


What is Sapporo Miso Ramen?

In most Sapporo Ramen restaurants, they are providing not only Miso Ramen, but Sio (salt) Ramen and Shoyu (soy sauce) Ramen as well. And Miso Ramen’s taste, flavor and toppings differ from restaurant to restaurant. It means we have various Sapporo Miso Ramens instead of a single classic one. A long time ago we used to imagine Miso Ramen with corn and butter, when it comes to Sapporo Miso Ramen, while it seems that the number of Sapporo Ramen restaurants providing such a kind of Miso Ramen is decreasing now. Having said that, I think Sapporo Miso Ramens have some common points as follows.

①Its base soup is made mainly from Tonkotsu (pork bone) and seasoned with Miso.
②Plenty of lard helps the soup keep hot.
③High-hydration, medium thickness curly yellow noodles are used.
④It is served with thick Chashu (roast pork) on it.
⑤Bean sprouts are basically used as its topping
⑥Garlic and singer in the soup warm you up.

This is Sirakaba-sansou’s Miso Ramen, which I had in Hokkaido. It was great!

Components of Sapporo Miso Ramen

SoupTonkotsu (pork bone) white broth
MSGused (,but of course you don’t have to)
Flavored oillard
Noodleshydration rate : high thickness : about 1x3mm curly yellow egg noodles
Other featuresfried minced meat, plenty of garlic and ginger, mainly back rib Shashu (and sometimes shoulder roast is used)

How to Make Soup

The base soup for Miso Ramen is Tonkotsu (pork bone) white broth. I think classic Tonkotsu soup using pork shin / thigh bone and backbone would be suitable for this Ramen.

We use pork pork shin / thigh bone, backbone and water as ingredients.
Emulsify it after pressurizing.
Tonkotsu soup with plenty of collagen is ready!

↑Please check the above article for details.

How to make Miso based sauce (=Miso Tare)

I blend 3 or 4 kinds of Miso, various potherbs and condiments to make Miso Tare.

Le’ts blend barley Miso, red Miso and white Miso.

↑Please check the above article for details.

How to Make Noodles

It seems that high hydration egg noodles are used for Sapporo Miso Ramen in general. They are curly yellow, and some restaurants might color noodles using a colorant. I recomend that you make noodles yourself at home.

【Example of noodles specification】

FlourYukichikara (strong flour produced in Hokkaido)
Hydration rate40% (including weight of egg)
Kansui2% of weight of flour
Salt1% of weight of flour
Width of noodlesPasta machine thickness=No.5 cutter=3mm
OthersYellow colorant (if you want to use)

When you make homemade curly noodles, you first powder them with flour, and then crash them with your hand!

For those who want to save time, it might be wiser to buy noodles on the market.

Please check the above article for further information on how to make noodles.

How to Make Chashu

Please adopt whatever Chashu you want! You can make Chashu in the process to make Tonkotsu soup. Or it might be enjoyable to make it separately.

Components for 1 portion

After preparation of soup base, noodles, Miso Tare and Chashu, let’s put them all together and finalize your Ramen.
The components for 1 portion Sapporo Miso Ramen are as follows.

・Homemade noodles 150g

【Soup base】
・Tonkotsu white broth 300cc

【Flavored oil】
・Lard 45cc ※You can add more lard if you want to.

・Miso tare 2.5 table spoons
・Chinese Chili Bean Sauce (Tobanjyan) a little
・Chopped garlic 1 piece
・Minced pork 50g
・Grated garlic 1 piece
・Grated singer 1 piece

・Boiled bean sprouts as needed
・Leek as needed
・Cayenne pepper powder a little
・Chashu 2 pieces

Finalize Ramen

Put the all components together.

Boil bean sprouts.
Grate garlic and ginger.
Fry garlic, Tobanjyan, minced pork and lard together.
Add 300cc soup base, Miso tare, and grated garlic & ginger.
Start to boil noodles at the same time.
Bring to the boil.
It takes about 1 minute and 45 seconds to boil the noodles.
Pour the hot soup on the noodles.
Put all the topping on top like the above picture.

You made it!


It looks great, and smells good!

Let’s eat!

The soup is rich and thick with pork collagen. And plenty of garlic and ginger makes me warm and energetic.

The curly noodles have interesting texture, and they match perfectly Miso based soup!


It was so good!
Homemade Miso tare can be used for hot pot or other Japanese cuisine.
Miso Ramen will not get lukewarm because of lard, so it must be good to have in cold winter.

That’s all for how to make authentic rich Miso Ramen.
I provide various classic recipes in my blog.
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